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Leaderboard setup

Get Set with Your Teams! 🥇🎖️

  • Make as many teams as you fancy with that nifty "Add a Team" button. And hey, get wild and rename those teams for giggles. Just remember to hit that Enter key like you mean it to save the new name!

  • As your party people (aka attendees) start pouring in, they'll pop up in the lobby on our leaderboard. Automatic, just like magic! ✨

Leaderboard Setup

Auto assign

  • Hit the "Auto assign Teams" button, and watch as players are whisked away into teams. And for those who like to take the reins, just toggle next to a player's name and drag-drop them into your dream team.

  • Once you're all giddy with your team setups, give that "Ready to Roll" button a tap. Let the games begin!

Playing cycle

Let's Get Rollin'!

  • Hold onto your hats! In a zippy 10 seconds, Kunjani will pick (or, let's say, 'Auto-nominate') a lucky someone to give that dice a whirl. Feel like taking the lead? Go on, tap the dice icon next to anyone's name before those 10 seconds zoom by.

Playing cycle

Let's get Rollin'!

  • For the chosen one: Get ready for your star moment! 🌟 You'll get a snazzy dice roll notification. Give that "roll" button a tap, and voilà! Animated dice will shimmy and shake on everyone's screens, unveiling the Suit your team's landed on followed by the activity card

Playing Cycle

It's Showtime! 🎤🎭

  • Hey, Team-that-rolled-the-dice! Ready to be the talk of the town? 🌟 Dive into the activity card and when you've got your answer, take the stage and share it out loud for all to hear! But, watch out for the ticking clock – no one likes a party crasher, especially if it's a cheeky score penalty for taking too long. 🕰️💥

  • Little secret for the host: Psst! You're the only one who gets a sneak peek at the suggested answer. Once our playing team wrap up their response, give that "Done" button a click! (Dont cost them by hesitating)

Playing cycle

Time to Judge! 🌟🔍

  •  With the suggested answer out in the open, it's everyones turn to play judge. Was the playing team's answer a hit or miss? Using the handy rubric, rank their performance: are they still finding their feet as a Novice, or did they school us all as a Teacher? 🎓🎤

  • Once you've made your verdict, lock it in with the "Save" button to make it official. 

Playing Cycle

Scores! 📊

  • Ta-da! 🎭 The leaderboard will tally the scores! Want some behind-the-scenes action? Tap the dropdown to see the score secrets: who gave what and who's playing a bit hard to get by not submitting yet.

  • Feeling the groove? Click "Ready to roll" and let's dive back into the fun! 🔄

  • Want to play in person? Face to face. Learn more

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