Library Overview
The Library is your go-to space to explore and manage all the Kunjani decks at your disposal
Public Library Insights:
The Public Library serves as a shared space for all Kunjani enthusiasts. Here, you can either dive straight into the existing decks or tailor them to your taste using the 'edit a copy' feature. Feel like adding your flair? Contribute your own decks to this collection. Let's work together to maintain a tidy and enriching library for all.
Private Library insights:
Your Private Library is a secure space for your personal decks, safeguarding your intellectual content. Choose to keep them for your eyes only or share them with colleagues within your organization. Please note, free users can curate up to 3 private decks. Consider an account upgrade to enjoy unlimited deck storage.
Search, Navigation & Exploration
Use the left menu to navigate between public and private libraries. Additionally, utilize the filter options to delve into specific categories or to discover the latest and most popular decks. Happy exploring!
Choosing a Deck:
Find a deck that catches your eye? Click on it. A popup will provide a detailed description and show the relevant suits included. If you're curious to know more, hit 'preview'.
Note you can also 'edit a copy' from here
You can toggle between previewing the activities by order or by suit. You can see the activity, suggested answer and allocated time.
If you have the right permissions you can also edit the deck here.